1450 years since the entry into Italy of the Longobard peoples
March, 29 - Ajdovscina / Aidussina (Slovenia), last Longobard migration
Departure of groups of people dressed in Longobard costumes - belonging to 9 associations of Northern Italy coordinated by the "Longobardia maior" association - to recall, in agreement with Slovenian municipalities, the last stage of the great migration of Longobard peoples to Italy. The territory of Slovenia was the most advanced point of the Longobard domination in the period of the Longobard settlement in Central and Eastern Europe, then became the most advanced point of defense of the Longobard Kingdom of Italy and of the Cividale’s Duchy.
April, 1 - Cividale del Friuli, first Longobard duchy
On Easter Sunday, at 11.30, the Longobard reenactors are expected to arrive in the square in front of the Cividale’s Cathedral and the related Christian and Treasury Museum (UNESCO heritage site together with the remains of the Patriarchal Palace under the National Archaeological Museum). The greetings to the authorities and the awards of the "Longobard Stories" competition for schools will follow. At 3.30 pm, at
the complex of Santa Maria di Corte (UNESCO heritage) the prof. Francesco Benozzo will give a short introductory lecture on the reading of the Historia Langobardorum and, at 4.00 pm, the full reading marathon of Paolo Diacono's historical work will begin. The conclusion is expected in the late evening. Free entry.
April, 2 - Salerno, the last Longobard Principality
On 2 April, the artistic and monumental assets of the capital of the Longobard Principality of Salerno will be the subject of an exceptional guided tour. Salerno, a city wanted and enriched by Prince Arechi II, was the last bastion of the Longobard dominion in Southern Italy definitively conquered by the Normans in 1074. The meeting for the visit is scheduled at 10 am at the Municipality of Salerno. The route will include the municipal villa, Porta Catena, Largo Campo, the church of S. Maria de Lama, the S. Pietro a Corte complex and the area of the Longobard Curtis. The initiative is organized by the Gruppo Archeologico Salernitano together with the Archaeological Group of Italy, the Longobardia Association, the ATS Principati e Terre dei Longobardi del Sud, the Group of historical re-enactment Gens Langobardorum, with the support of MiBACT, Municipality of Salerno, Touring Club, Santo Stefano Confraternity of the City of Salerno (info: cell 3381902507 / email: archeogruppo@alice.it )
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