
Scientific and technological researches which also involve young people at various levels are crucial to deepen the knowledge on historical values of the Longobard period. Knowledge now rather fragmented that needs to be unified.

And in fact one of the main requirements of the system is to unify the Longobard period. This process involves all specialised fields: archaeology, historical research, social and economic research, technological scientific survey tools as well as promotion and dissemination tools.

The first step was made by setting up and introducing the database "Montelius", which however is to be constantly supplemented and updated. The same holds true for documentary archives that collect Longobard parchments as well as for research centres with their huge amount of studies.

On the overall, the project is committed to coordinate all specialised fields so that researchers and students can rely on a coordinated set of specialised reference sources, thus overcoming the problem of knowledge dispersion and fragmentation and facilitating their further studies and research. This also creates a common thread for cultural development and encourages research activities that can increasingly valorise the main Longobard features in the various territories thanks to easier comparisons.

Availability of coordinated reference sources for specialists can also encourage:

  • Exchanges between European educational institutions at all levels;
  • Exchanges and debates on the social and cultural values of the Longobard period in relation with modern issues as well as with the establishment of a new European culture;
  • Functional and naturalistic reinterpretation of the various landscapes of Longobard settlements;
  • Appropriate scientific and technological research activities to disseminate the historical values of the Longobard period.

 This higher level of knowledge will promote the identities of all clusters and reference territories (both urban and rural ones) and lead to new cultural and tourism offers and experiences.


Border of the Scoltenna river (Panaro)