Longobard words and visions in the project ''Ad Italiam venit''

2017 10 December

Lecture of professor Francesco Benozzo at the Liceo ''Muratori San Carlo'' in Modena - Collaboration with the local State's Archive

Friday, December 15th, in Modena, at the Liceo "Muratori San Carlo" prof. Francesco Benozzo of the University of Bologna - and member of the Scientific Committee "Amelio Tagliaferri" established by the Longobardia Association - will hold a lecture entitled "Longobard words and visions in the Modena area: the unknown legacy of a people disappeared in the gestures and conceptions of a today’s community". The event is included inside the project "The Longobards’ slow time. Ad Italiam venit " that the students of the 2E e2F classes of the same Liceo are realizing in collaboration with the Modena’s State Archive.